Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

You Will Understand Soon

   In QWE city, there is one private senior high school, named Absolute High School. In this school, there is a rare extracurricular, that is extracurricular detective. Its extracurricular is leaded by a man who has worked in this school for 2 years. Named Master Youichi. The members of this extracurricular are only 3 students. They are Harold, Rayna, and Rachelle.

One day, when they are gathering..

Youichi      : Hello my detectives, today I want to tell you about the charactiristics of a person who is a robber unpredictably
Harold        : Why you don’t tell us earlier?
Others        :    Yeah, why? Why?
Youichi      : Ahhh... I can’t describe it now. Now, just listen to me, and understand it.
All              : Okaaay!!!
Youichi      : The first characteristic is, the person knows the details condition of the school.
Rayna         :    Then what?
Youichi      : The second is, the person often comes in and comes out the class during the lesson.
Rachelle     : What does it mean?
Youichi      : It means that the person does its “activity” when the other classroom is empty. Usually, the students are doing the physical activity outside the class.
Rachelle     : Oh okay, next?
Youichi      : The third is, the person suddenly becomes a brand new rich person.
Harold        :    Can you give us an example?
Youichi      : Before the person does this “activity” the person was an ordinary person. It looks from the appearance. Before the person does the “activity”, the person wore ordinary clothes. Then, after the person does that “activity”, the person looks luxurious.
Rayna         : Okay, but, can we move to other place? This place is so crowd.
Youichi      : Yeah, sure. Let’s move to the tree near the pond. Because, at this time, that place is calm and fine.
Rayna         : That’s good idea.

In that location..

Rayna         : Let’s continue Master.
Youichi      : Okay, the last is, usually the person suddenly dissapears *whisper*
Harold        : Why is it so simple?
Youichi      :    Don’t underestimate it, you’ll understand soon. I think that’s enough for today. See you next time detective
After that meeting, The Detective never meet Master Youichi again. Three weeks later, a bad news comes up to the Detective. They plan something to solve the problem.

Harold        : Hey! do you hear that news?
Rayna         : What news?
Rachelle     : Our senior lost her handphone, our junior lost his money, X15 lost their cash money, and the other lost their iPad and SLR.
Rayna         : Who did it?
Harold        : Nobody knows about it. This  is our challange to find out the thief
Rachelle     : Yeah you’re right.
Harold        : What we gotta do now?
Rayna         : Do you remember what Master Youichi said?
Harold        : Of course
Rachelle     : I don’t think so, I don’t really understand about that  characteristics. I’m just remember the last, “Suddenly Disappear”.
Harold        : OK that’s fine. Let’s work together

A few days later, they focus on one target, Ursala.

Harold        : I have one target, she is Ursala. She has the same characteristic with Master Youichi said.
Rayna         : What’s that?
Harold        : She often come in and come out the class and her act is so strange.
Rachelle     : hmm I see. After this break time, you have to follow her to where she goes, understand?
Harold        : Yes
Rayna         : I have an idea, after school Rachelle and I follow Ursala to her house, then we can ask anything to her parents or whoever.
Rachelle     : Agree.

In Harold and Ursala’s class

Harold        : *looks at Ursala*
Ursala         : *keeps quite* *doesn’t know anything* *goes outside*
Harold        : *follows her* *surprised* *she goes to toilet*

After school Rayna and Rachelle follow Ursala to her house. They surprised when they got someone with untidy clothes. She is Ursala’s mother.

Rayna         : Mrs, we wanna ask about ursala.
Odah          : About what? About her disease?
Both           : Huhh?! Disease?!
Odah          : Oh? You guys don’t know about it?
Rachelle     : What?!!
Odah          : Maybe you guys know that she often come in and come out the class during the lesson, right?
Rayna         : Yes yes yes, why?
Odah          : It because she has Diabetes mellitus since 1 year ago. *crying*
Rachelle     : Oh my God, I’m sorry
Rayna         : I’m sorry to hear that.
Odah          : And we don’t have enough money to heal the disease, but she always strong to face the problem.
Rayna         : Oh, I’m sorry I don’t know about it.
Odah          : It’s no problem
Rachelle     : Rayna we have to go.
Rayna         : Oh yes sure. Mrs, we’re sorry we have to go. We always pray for Ursala.
Odah          : Thanks for visit, sorry I can’t provide any good food or drink.
Rachelle     : No problem, see you, assalamualaikum.
Odah          : Wa’laikumsalam.

Next day, at school...........

Harold        : Hey, yesterday I followed Ursala when she came out the class, and do you know? I just found her go to the toilet.
Rachelle     : Oh yeah, yesterday we went to her house and ask everything about Ursala to her mother, she said that Ursala has Diabetes mellitus disease, so she often come in and come out the class during the lesson.
Rayna         : OK guys, Ursala is erased from the list. Then, who is the thief?
Harold        : I don’t know. Arrgh!!! Master Youichi!!! Where are you? Why are you suddenly disappear?
All              : *looking each other*
Rachelle     : Oh my God, guys, don’t you realize? He knows the details condition of this school
All              : Yeah, you’re right
Rayna         : And also he suddenly dissapear

Suddenly, Master Youichi appears

Youichi      : Hello Detectives, long time no see, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my vacation this few weeks, but....
All              : *surprised* “Brand New Rich Person”!!!!!

They bring Master Youichi to Teacher’s room
In the Teacher’s room............

Harold        : Mrs. Naomi, we have a news!!!
Naomi        : What news? Hey what did you do to Youichi?
Rayna         : Mrs. Naomi, you need to know, we are detective team of Absolute High School officialy decided that Master Youichi is the thief.
Naomi        : Huh? What do you mean?
Rachelle     : Mrs, we found the proof already, and we can did it because of him. He is so stupid, he told us his characteristic when he becomes a thief.
Naomi        : Ooh Youichi, I’m really disappointed of you. I trusted you. But you broke it all.
All              : *quite*

Then the police has come. Before Master Youichi carried by the police car, he said something to the Detectives.

Youichi      : Dear my Detectives, first I’m so sorry because I made you so disappointed. And I’m really glad because I’m success to teach you. You’ve become a great Detectives. I’m really proud of you guys. This is the beginning, this is your first achievement. Just continue your way, keep fight the crime. Thank you and good bye....
All              : *silent* *sad*
Harold        : We’re sorry Master, we never mean to report you to the police, but....Oh God, you still have a good purpose. Once again we’re sorry...
Youichi      : No problem guys, nice job
All              : Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After that incident, they learn more about detective. And after graduate from Absolute High School, they become professional detectives. It’s all can’t be happend without Master Youichi.

Rahma as Rachelle
Rayyan as Rayna
Dayat as Harold
Yudis as Youichi
Umi as Ursala and Odah
Teh Nur as Mrs. Naomi

okay itu adalah cerpen gue. sbenernya sih itu tugas b.indo buat d skolah, tapi d Lia ada class project, jd gue usulin pake cerpen gue tinggal di translate aja. itu juga banyak gabungan2 antara ide gue dan idenya Yudis. dan sorry kalo grammar nya banyak yg salah hehe. kerja keras nih! ntar tanggal 04 juni 2012, gue dan kelompok gue : Yudis, Rayyan, Umi, Dayat, dan Teh Nur akan melaksanakan class project, latihan baru skali dan ngacak, smoga hari H sukses, aminnn, byee thanks for visit, see yaa ;)

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