Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

You Will Understand Soon

   In QWE city, there is one private senior high school, named Absolute High School. In this school, there is a rare extracurricular, that is extracurricular detective. Its extracurricular is leaded by a man who has worked in this school for 2 years. Named Master Youichi. The members of this extracurricular are only 3 students. They are Harold, Rayna, and Rachelle.

One day, when they are gathering..

Youichi      : Hello my detectives, today I want to tell you about the charactiristics of a person who is a robber unpredictably
Harold        : Why you don’t tell us earlier?
Others        :    Yeah, why? Why?
Youichi      : Ahhh... I can’t describe it now. Now, just listen to me, and understand it.
All              : Okaaay!!!
Youichi      : The first characteristic is, the person knows the details condition of the school.
Rayna         :    Then what?
Youichi      : The second is, the person often comes in and comes out the class during the lesson.
Rachelle     : What does it mean?
Youichi      : It means that the person does its “activity” when the other classroom is empty. Usually, the students are doing the physical activity outside the class.
Rachelle     : Oh okay, next?
Youichi      : The third is, the person suddenly becomes a brand new rich person.
Harold        :    Can you give us an example?
Youichi      : Before the person does this “activity” the person was an ordinary person. It looks from the appearance. Before the person does the “activity”, the person wore ordinary clothes. Then, after the person does that “activity”, the person looks luxurious.
Rayna         : Okay, but, can we move to other place? This place is so crowd.
Youichi      : Yeah, sure. Let’s move to the tree near the pond. Because, at this time, that place is calm and fine.
Rayna         : That’s good idea.

In that location..

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Refreshing Berhasil :)

Hari ini adalah hari minggu, 27 mei 2012. Hari ini gue, iffa, adel, anis, sofi, dll berniat buat nonton The Avengers di 21. Nah pas gue sama iffa udah d pandean, adel malah sms kalo dia gajadi ikut, yaudah akhirnya gue sama iffa berangkat berdua dari pandean buat ke cilegon. Terus sofi sama anis katanya gajadi nnton, tp mereka ikutnya pas ke rumah hantu aja, kebetulan nanto, isal, ilham juga mau ikut. Okelah. Pas sampe san ague sama iffa beli tiket tuh ya. Nunggu berapa menit akhirnya masuk juga ke studio. Film nya seruuuuu bgt bgt! Wajib nnton!..

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

3 Bidadari <3

Rindu menusuk di jiwa ini. Rindu yang seakan tak akan pernah hilang walau telah diobati. Rindu yang kualami hanya kepada mereka. 3 bidadariku. 4 tahun mengenal, 4 tahun berbicara, 4 tahun tertawa, 4 tahun berbagi, 4 tahun menambah dosa bersama, 4 tahun segala2nya. 3 manusia langka itu takkan pernah ada gantinya, takkan pernah ada lainnya. Mereka aneh, mereka membingungkan, mereka berisik, mereka tak bisa diam, mereka tak bsa d mengerti. Tak apa. Itulah yg membuatku kcanduan untuk dekat dngan mereka.

this is ONE DIRECTION :)

ONE DIRECTION. SATU ARAH. Hmm satu gender kali ya maksudnya. Ya one direction adalah sebuah boysband asal UK. Personelnya itu ada 5 orang cowok keceee sekaleeee :’(((( awalnya mereka berlima itu ikut ajang bakat nyanyi gitu, namanya X-Factor pas tahun 2010. Tadinya sndiri2 audisinya, nah terus Simon Cowell selaku juri X-Factor akhrnya ngegabungin mereka jadi 1 grup.

Unimportant First Post :p

Haiii J Baby Blue Story is back!!! Akhirnya blogging juga setelah setahun gak blogging akibat lupa password blog sblm nya yaitu babybluestory.blogspot.com (bisa di cek) dan perlu ku akui bahwa rindu akan mengedit blog emang tak tertahankan, hehe